About Me

(Mark Powell)

Safety First

As a professional locksmith company based in Cheltenham, I understand that safety is always important. I’m a qualified Level 3 Locksmith. This means that not only am I able to carry out top-quality locksmith services, but also ensure your safety at every stage. Secure Locks is DBS checked and not only will I carry an ID badge but also wear a special uniform to ensure that you recognise who is coming to your home.

So, if you are in the Cheltenham area and you need a reliable, local locksmith company. Get in touch with Secure Locks and let us help you with low cost and high quality locksmith services.

Immediate local response

Need help in a hurry? Secure Locks are there to help you just when you need them. Secure Locks have a vast amount of experience in all types of locks, and are on hand to give you a swift solution at a cost-effective price.

Locks Changed and Fitted

If you need to replace your door lock or fit a new lock I can help with all your needs. I fit and supply the highest quality security locks in Cheltenham. For further information on changing locks please visit the relevant article below. Get in touch with Secure Locks and I will be happy to help with your requirements.



Emergency Locksmith

We all know that the last thing you want is to be locked out of your house, snapped a key in your door or lost your keys but it happens. If you need a lock changed in an emergency or anything else, you can be sure to rely on Mark from Secure Locksmiths for an immediate response 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Lock Snapping

Know about vulnerable uPVC Euro Profile cylinder locks

It’s a sad fact but burglary rates in the UK are rising and lots of these burglaries are due to a unique breaking and entry method. Lock snapping of UPVC and composite type Euro Profile Cylinder door locks.

Vulnerable Euro Profile door cylinders are fitted to millions of homes across the country and some burglars have discovered how, without any key, it is easy to break the lock and walk in through the front door. If you have any concerns about the types of lock in your home, business premises or property contact Mark from Secure Locksmiths and I can arrange a FREE home security check on your property for your peace of mind and safety. I’m an expert in high security UPVC door locks, snap safe to British Standard en 1303.

SECURE the exterior of your property ALWAYS

Look out for faulty windows and doors.  If you have a garage or outbuilding make sure that is secured at all times. If you have a side entrance and you leave any tools around make sure these are out of sight or locked away in the shed or garage as these tools can be used as a quick way of entry in to your home. If you have any ladders outside make sure you chain these up at all times.

If you have uPVC doors as stated above it is of high importance to get these checked out to see if they are safe and will be secure against Lock snapping. You can read more about lock snapping below in the article.
Lighting inside and outside your home

For outdoors automatic sensor lights can be a great deterrent for potential thief’s adding the bonus of being helpful when you are coming home in the dark or go out in the garden in the dark and need improved visibility. Also if you are away form your home think about purchasing an automatic light to put inside your house to portray someone in the house.

choose a local locksmith

We all know that getting locked out of your home or business is always unexpected but you shouldn’t just jump to the first locksmith company you find as local locksmiths and national firms are very far apart in terms of service, price and timescales. The Internet is littered with national call centre locksmith companies that charge you a fortune for very little service.

When looking for a local locksmith it’s always best to see if they have a mobile number or a local number. Another thing to look for is whether they are based near to you? If they are further away it will take them longer to get to you, and you don’t want to be waiting around for the locksmith.

Never pay money up front for a service before they have even left to see the lock problem as it may be a very simple lock pick or it could end up in some cases having to drill the locking mechanism and install a new lock.

As a local locksmith in Cheltenham I have to be competitive on price and ensure all customers are satisfied at all times, as word of mouth and customer feedback is very important for business. With national lock companies they are very price driven which is off putting from the start.

If you have any questions or would like some further information on what I can offer you please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Mark, your local Cheltenham Locksmith on 01242 374056.

Ditch bad habits

Always remember to take the key out of your door as this can be a very easy mistake for an opportunist thief to simply break the panel and reach around to find the key or go through your letterbox to retrieve the key.

Security Alarms

If you have a security alarm be sure to reset the codes on a regular basis as word may have got around of your codes to your home security system.

Keep your Car Keys safe

Consider where you leave your car keys during the day and overnight. The amount of car keys stolen simply through thief’s trying to locate them through a letterbox is very high. Please your keys in a secure place away from your front or rear door. If they are in a draw they are out of sight and more likely to be secure even if a thief does break into you house as they are not in plain sight.

consider replacing your locks

Moving House

If you have recently moved into a new home in Cheltenham who knows who could have a set of keys to your house. I would always without question recommend to replace all keys to windows and doors to ensure you are the sole keeper of your new homes keys. If you are renting for example be sure to ask the landlord if the locks have been replaced for peace of mind on both parties. Another thing relevant to this section would be if you have recently had work going on in your home and you have given a set of keys to a contractor, I know its a sad thought but you don’t know if they have taken copies of your key and one day in the future return for some of your belongings.

Lost Keys

If you have recently been locked out of your home due to losing a key and you still can’t trace the missing key, who knows where it could be. In some cases it could simply be lost down a drain, behind the sofa or anywhere else but it may be the case someone has taken these keys and in the wrong hands your home is now vulnerable to burglaries. In order to stop this call a local locksmith to come and replace the locks for peace of mind and while he is there ask for a security check of your home.

New Employees in the Workplace

If you own your own business or manage a business in or around Cheltenham which has premises, chances are at one point or another you have asked your staff to open up/ lock up when it isn’t convenient for you to do so. Again we are coming back to the same question, who knows who has a set of keys to your business premises? This is highly important, not so much an emotional pull as your home but your business is your livelihood and if someone decided to break in and take your stock, furniture or even your takings this could have a big impact on your business and the longevity of it so please be vigilant on who you give your keys to and change your locks on a regular basis.

New Tenants

As mentioned in the Moving House section above, this is slightly different as it is aimed at landlords alone.  From residential landlords to business premises landlords and anything in between. Whenever you have new tenants, I would say it is imperative to change all your locks as you are putting your tenants at risk if you don’t, so for the sake of a small sum ensure your investment is secure and your tenants are safe and happy.

That rounds up my quick article of when and why you should replace your locks, if any of the above is relevant to you or you would like some expert locksmith advice then please feel free to contact us.

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